Matt Colyer
Support for new SBServices interface ... was committed by Nikias Bassen
Tuesday Dec 15
changeset -
Documentation cleanup and a new error... was committed by Nikias Bassen
Friday Dec 11
changeset -
[PATCH] nofification proxy documentation updatewas updated by Matt Colyer 04:58 PM ticket -
[PATCH] small msynclient fixwas updated by Matt ColyerTuesday Dec 08
ticket -
Provide access to ValidatePairwas updated by Matt Colyer 03:48 AM ticket -
fix lockdownd_pair returning success ... was committed by Nikias Bassen 03:48 AM changeset
cache device uuid in client struct W... was committed by Nikias Bassen 03:48 AM changeset
Allow passing NULL as HostID to lockd... was committed by Nikias Bassen 03:48 AM changeset
New function lockdownd_validate_pair(... was committed by Nikias Bassen 03:48 AM changeset
[PATCH] lockdownd_stop_session / session_idwas updated by Matt Colyer 03:45 AM ticket